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UNSPECIFIED Slide 1: Collaborative models for smart contracts applications in the organizations. [Teaching Resource]
UNSPECIFIED Slide 2: Blockchain consensus methods and smart contract programming languages. [Teaching Resource]
UNSPECIFIED Slide 3: Model-Driven Design framework for designing scalable collaborative smart contract applications. [Teaching Resource]
UNSPECIFIED Slide 4: Decentralized Cross organizational governance model, process execution and privacy management. [Teaching Resource]
Arumaithurai, Mayutan LIBRA. [Teaching Resource]
Arumaithurai, Mayutan Mayutan Arumaithurai: Link to tutorial. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Bünz, Benedikt and Bootle, Jonathan and Boneh, Dan and Poelstra, Andrew and Wuille, Pieter and Maxwell, Greg Bulletproofs: Short Proofs for Confidential Transactions and More. Technical Report. Blockstream.
Cachin, Christian Architecture of the Hyperledger Blockchain Fabric. Technical Report. IBM Research - Zurich.
Cap, Clemens H. and Leiding, Benjamin Blogchain – Disruptives Publizieren auf der Blockchain. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 55 (6). pp. 1326-1340.
Christidis, Konstantinos and Devetsikiotis, Michael Blockchains and Smart Contracts for the Internet of Things. IEEE Access, 4. pp. 2292-2303.
De Filippi, Primavera and Wright, Aaron Blockchain and the Law: The Rule of Code. Harward University Press.
Fairfield, Joshua Smart Contracts, Bitcoin Bots, and Consumer Protection. Washington and Lee Law Review.
Graziano, Thomas Kadner Case Transfer of Property. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Hoffmann, Thomas Blockchain and the Law - Session II. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
IntelliPaat, IntelliPaat Solidity Cheat Sheet. [Teaching Resource]
Jentzsch, Christoph Decentralized Autonomous Organization to Automate Governance. Slock.IT. (Unpublished)
Khalil, Rami and Gervais, Arthur and Felley, Guillaume NOCUST – A Securely Scalable Commit-Chain. Technical Report. Liquidity Network.
Mendling, Jan Introduction to BPM. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Ross, Elizabeth Sarah Nobody Puts Blockchain in a Corner: The Disruptive Role of Blockchain Technology in the Financial Services Industry and Current Regulatory Issues. Catholic University Journal of Law and Technology, 25 (2).
Stagnaro, Chet White Paper: Innovative Blockchain Uses in Health Care. Freed Associates.
Udokwu, Chibuzor and Kormiltsyn, Aleksandr and Thangalimodzi, Kondwani and Norta, Alex An Exploration of Blockchain enabled Smart-Contracts Application in the Enterprise. Technical Report. Tallinn University of Technology.